Monday, December 5, 2011

The best lotion EVER!! and a little commentary on gluten in personal products.

     I made the most amazing lotion ever today. A couple of years ago one of my students gave me a jar of this lotion as a Christmas gift. It was his Grandmother's recipe. I begged and begged for the recipe. I reminded the kiddo on a regular basis to ask Grandma for the recipe......well I ended up getting just an ingredient list from my student's Grandma. It was helpful, but I have never made lotion before and I needed to know how much of this and how much of that......well I never got the top secret recipe.
     I was browsing through Pinterest the other day and SHAZAM there was a picture of the ingredients for this top secret Grandma recipe lotion. I had to of course click on the link and see if it could possibly be a recipe for this magic lotion. IT WAS!! Or at least, it had the same ingredients.....
      SOOOooooo I went to the store to pick up the goods to make this amazing lotion. I knew going into the project that finding a Vitamin E lotion may be tricky. Many Vitamin E creams seem to contain gluteny ingredients. For that matter, many lotions in general often contain gluteny ingredients. I'm not sure why anyone needs wheat on their skin. The oats are a little more understandable (I guess). They supposedly calm your skin and are moisturizing. I avoid them!! Sure enough, the first container of Vitamin E cream had "wheat germ" as an ingredient. Moving along.......I moved towards brands I was more familiar with, companies I had called before and finally found one. I then picked up the other ingredients, of course checking to be sure I had picked up gluten free brands in those as well.
     Some of you may be saying....what in the world does it matter if your skin care items are gluten free. Well here is how I look at it. I know that sometimes in the shower I get shampoo in my mouth on accident. If my shampoo had gluten, then I just accidentally glutened myself. I also know that sometimes I put lotion on and then go eat lunch. If my lotion isn't gluten free, then I eat my food using my hands....I have most likely just glutened myself. In my opinion it is just much easier to not even have to deal with those accidental glutenings....just buy products that are safe!! Ok, back to the lotion making.....
       I came home and whipped up a batch of the amazing lotion. It was exactly like the gift lotion that my student had given me. This lotion is PERFECT for winter time. It is thick and so amazing for winter time dry skin. It also smells good!! I made some extra lotion to give as gifts this Christmas. (Shhhh, don't tell my family and friends!!)

The Best Lotion EVER!
16 oz. Baby Lotion
8 oz. Vaseline
8 oz. Vitamin E Cream

Combine all of the ingredients with an electric mixer. Mix until it resembles icing. Divide into containers.
Gather your ingredients

Pour all of the lotions into a bowl. I recommend using plastic silverware to scoop the Vaseline out of the jar.

Use an electric mixer to combine the ingredients.

Whip until lotion is the consistency of frosting.

Spoon into jars and containers for gift giving.

     I hope you enjoy the lotion recipe. Just don't tell my student's Grandma that I cracked the code and have her secret recipe now!!


1 comment:

  1. Can you use a pipe bag and does it melt thank you so much
